Why does homeowners insurance cost vary so much across the U.S.? Many factors have contributed to this variance. There are a number of different factors that will impact the overall cost of your homeowner's policy including the type of structure you have, the location of your home and its size, assets in your house, who is named on the policy, and whether or not there are other homes around yours that may take hits if anything should happen to yours.
The U.S. has different types of weather, which can influence the cost of insurance.
Homeowner's insurance costs can vary significantly from state to state, depending on the type of weather, the cost of living, and other factors.
The U.S. has different types of weather, which can influence the cost of insurance.
The average annual cost of homeowners insurance varies from less than $500 in New Hampshire to more than $2,000 in Hawaii. The median annual premium nationwide was $1,338 in 2017, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC).
The reason for these wide price differences is that each state regulates its insurance companies differently and has different requirements for coverage. In addition, some states have rules that make it easier for residents to buy homeowners insurance while others require them to buy it directly from their insurers and pay higher premiums.
Different areas have different construction standards.
Homeowners' insurance costs vary across the nation, but they also vary by neighborhood. Homeowners' insurance costs are affected by factors such as construction standards, local crime rates, and the number of claims filed against your property.
Different areas have different construction standards. For example, a home in Texas may be built to withstand tornado winds while home in New York City could only withstand an earthquake. In order to cover that risk, you need to pay more for insurance coverage.
Homeowners' insurance rates can also vary by county or city. A homeowner living in Los Angeles County may pay less for their homeowner's insurance than a homeowner living in Ventura County because the latter area has stricter building codes that require additional measures to be taken when it comes to construction quality.
Homeowner's insurance rates also vary depending on whether or not you own a swimming pool or hot tub. If you don't have either of these items on your property, then it won't be as much of an issue since there are fewer risks associated with them in general. But if you do own one of these items, then your premiums will increase considerably due to increased hazard potentials associated with them (like fire damage).
States have different regulations regarding what coverage is required.
Homeowners' insurance is an important part of any household's financial plan. It covers your home, belongings, and liability for damage done to the home, as well as provides coverage for legal expenses in case of a lawsuit.
But how much does homeowners insurance cost? And how do you find the best deal?
According to the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.), the average homeowner's policy costs $868 per year, though rates can vary widely across the country. The average cost of homeowners coverage was $776 in 2015, according to I.I.I., but rates have changed significantly over time. The average annual premium has risen about 7 percent per year since 2010 and 9 percent since 2009.
States have different regulations regarding what coverage is required for homeowners insurance policies sold within their borders — and even some states' rules differ from those in other states within their borders. Additionally, some insurers offer discounts based on factors such as age or geographic location, or charge higher premiums for older homes than newer ones due to riskier construction materials used during their construction (referred to as "premiums").
Now you can better understand why the cost of homeowners insurance differs across the country. Not only do different states have different rates, but in some cases, the same state will have a wide-ranging cost of coverage depending on where you live within that state. To understand how to get a competitive insurance quote, call one of our agents today. We would be happy to provide you with a personalized quote for homeowners insurance so that you can make informed decisions about protecting your home and loved ones.